Our Story

Our story 

Welcome to Relax Mode Apparel, born from a place of personal hardship and transformed into a beacon of tranquility and self-care. We are Megan and Daniel, founders of this serene venture, and this is our story.

A few years ago, life threw us some curveballs. Daniel, after battling COVID-19, was left with ongoing heart complications, altering his active lifestyle dramatically. A short time Later, Megan was navigating the profound grief that her mother's cancer had returned. In 2023 Megan lost her mom to that battle with cancer.  These challenges made us painfully aware of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of taking time to cherish every moment.

In these moments of adversity, Relax Mode Apparel was conceived. Our brand embodies the ethos of living a relaxed, mindful life, emphasizing the necessity to slow down and savor the world around us. We create clothing that's not just comfortable but also inspires a calm and peaceful mindset, promoting a lifestyle where taking care of oneself is a priority.

Our designs, influenced by our personal stories of resilience and healing, feature soothing colors, serene landscapes, and encouraging messages about peace and self-care. Each item is crafted to remind us of the beauty of slowing down and enjoying life’s simple pleasures.

At Relax Mode Apparel, we invite you to join us in embracing a more relaxed, mindful approach to life. Wear comfort, live tranquility, and enjoy every moment with us.

Thank you for supporting our journey and being a part of our community.  


In a world that spins too fast, Relax Mode Apparel is your pause button. Here, we mix comfort with a dash of casual and a millennial vibe, creating pieces that aren’t just worn but lived in. Our mission? To thread ease into your daily hustle, turning everyday wear into a statement of chill. We’re about more than just clothes; we’re crafting your go-to armor for navigating the modern world with a zen-like cool. Embrace the blend of style and relaxation that speaks your language, and let's make every outfit a reflection of the calm in the chaos. Join us in redefining comfort, one relaxed, stylish step at a time.

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